Letter to Municipal Corporation asking for a Public Park in your area : 2 Best Formats

Are you looking for sample letter to Municipal corporation asking for a public park in your area?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given 2 examples on how to write a letter to municipal corporation asking for a public park.

Sample Letter-1 (Letter to municipal commissioner asking for a public park)

Baaghbaazar Marg, 
Kolkata, West Bengal
Pincode: 700001

Date: November 6, 2022

To the Municipal Commissioner, 
Kolkata, West Bengal

Subject: Request to install a Public Park in our area. 

Respected Sir/Madam, 

With reference to the above-cited subject, I would like to bring your kind notice about the lack of a Public Park in our Locality of Baaghbaazar Marg. 

The distressing lack of enjoyable open spaces in our locality is definitely a matter of serious concern for the people leaving here in this area. It would be rather appropriate if the word, “enjoyable” gets replaced by “basic”. The lack of spaces for recreation and playing for the children has led them to play on open roads which definitely is not in interest to their safety, privacy and more importantly, is a major hindrance to the commuters as well. Most especially, It is of great importance that the children at the early stages of their life, get great exposure to nature and an environment which would help them in growing their harmony towards nature as well as their fellow ones. 

Apart from Children, senior citizens living in this locality face a huge problem as they don’t have a place to walk freely or relax in an open environment. Living in a Congested environment with no space for open space for recreation would furthermore tamper with the physical and mental health of the residents irrespective of the age groups they belong to. 

With growing cases of physical deformities and anxiety among the masses, it is heartily requested that a public park be installed in our area. Stating an incident from the recent past, a young 13-year-old kid, playing on the street met with an accident as he was hit by a vehicle. Luckily, the young kid escaped with minor injuries and nothing worth panicking about. As they say, ignorance is the path to destruction, one simply can’t foreshadow the need for a proper public park for adults and young children. Favouring to the cause, a plot within our locality is left empty since a long period of time and thus it could be easily used to fill up the need. 

I on the behalf of the entire Baghbazaar Marg, hereby request you and your office to treat this matter with importance and act upon it accordingly. 

With regards, 
Debjyoti Sinha
Letter to Municipal corporation asking for a public park


Sample Letter-2 (Application to municipality for need of public park)

Baaghbaazar Marg, 
Kolkata, West Bengal
Pincode: 700001

Date: November 6, 2022

To the Municipal Commissioner, 
Kolkata, West Bengal

Subject: Request to install a Public Park in our area. 

Respected Sir/Madam, 

With reference to the above-cited subject, I would like to bring your kind notice about the lack of a Public Park in our Locality of Baaghbaazar Marg. 

A recent incident that took place in our locality had sent shock waves across our area and forced us to think about the matter of installing a public park in our neighborhood, more seriously than ever. A young boy, aging merely 6 years of age, was nearly hit by a ‘heavy body’ truck as he was playing on the streets of our locality. The boy suffered a fracture in his right hand but can be considered hugely lucky as one can imagine, how worse the matter could’ve taken a turn. 

Having no places for recreation or playing the kids have no option left but to play on the streets, causing a huge threat to their security/safety, headache, and stress to their parents and equally causing a hindrance to the commuters as well. Not only the children but the senior citizen face a huge issue as well due to the absence of a public park. With them not having an open space for walking, exercising, or mere recreation. Such situations lead to anxiety, and physical ailments and more importantly force people from all age groups to live in a congested shell. 

A public park for all is a necessity for people of all age groups. The distressing lack of enjoyable open spaces in our area is think to worry about, big time. Positively, our locality has a huge, exposed area that has been unclaimed for decades now and is used as an unofficial dumping ground by the residents. 

I hereby on the behalf of all the residents living here in Baghbazaar Marg, urge u to ship out the waste and garbage piled up at the plot and allow installation of a public park in that Land which would be a big relief to us, the residents. I expect you and your office to take up the matter and act accordingly as early as possible. 

With regards, 
Prakash Chatterjee 

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a application or request letter to the Municipal corporation asking for a public park. 

Feel free to express your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Also, let us know if you need the format for any other topic.

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