Application to the Principal to Open a Canteen in school campus : 2 Samples

Are you looking for letter writing formats in English to request your school principal to open a canteen in school campus?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given 2 examples on, how to write an application to the Principal to open a canteen.

Sample Letter-1 (Letter to principal to open a canteen)

Presidential Colony, 
Hyderabad, Telangana. 
Pincode: 500003

Date: November 8, 2022.

The Principal, 
Hyderabad Public School

Subject: Request to open a School Canteen. 

Respected Madam, 

With all due respect and honour, I would like to state that I’m a student from class 12, Division ‘C’, (Humanities). I’ve been a proud pupil of the Hyderabad Public School since the very beginning of the academic phase of my life. As a senior student, I on the behalf of my fellow schoolmates would like to bring to your notice, the inconvenience caused to the students due to the absence of a proper ‘school canteen’ in our premises.

This issue is nothing but a serious cause of concern for us, the students. Since our school is located more towards the outskirts of the main city, most of my fellow pupils travel a long and Strainious distance to reach and attend the classes. Few students cover as much as 30 kms everyday. Adding a point to this fact, these students need to leave for school from their respective homes, early in the morning and hence it is hardly possible for most of them and us to carry fresh meals from our homes everyday. Adding to our misery is the fact that there’s not a single affordable restaurant or food court nearby our institution. 

Thus, I hereby, on behalf of all the students of our school, humbly request to install a small canteen where the students can buy and eat fresh food from which would make our lives much smoother. 

Thanking you, 
Yours faithfully, 
Deepak Jaiswal
(Class 12, Division ‘C’, Humanities)

application to the principal to open a canteen

Sample Letter-2 (Application to open a canteen)

Presidential Colony, 
Hyderabad, Telangana. 
Pincode: 500003

Date: November 8, 2022.

The Principal, 
Hyderabad Public School

Subject: Request to open a School Canteen. 

Respected Sir, 

In inviting reference to the subject cited above, I as a student from the seniormost class in this institution, on the behalf of the students association of our school wish to draw your kind attention towards the unfortunate inconvenience caused to the students due to the lack of a food court/canteen in our School. 

A ‘proper’ school canteen is a major missing in the school premises which also poses as a headache for the pupils to say the least. It is a serious cause of concern for us, the students as most of us travel long distances, to attend classes and a few students even need to travel as much as 30-40 kms to attend classes and be on time for school.  Thus, it is a treacherous task for the students to carry their fresh meals from their respective homes itself as they need to leave home as early as 4a.m to meet the needs of the class timings. 

The long hours of the school force the students to get hungry and adding to the misery is the fact that there’s no affordable restaurant/food court nearby our institution. Due to this, some students prefer street food, which is unhygienic and badly affects their health. Thus, a canteen in school premises will be really very helpful for students, which can ensure healthy food. 

Hence, on behalf of all my fellow mates and pupils, I request you to install a Canteen/food court which would help us immensely. 

Yours obediently, 

Deepak Chouhan
(Student, Class 12, “D”, ” Humanities “) 

Wrapping Up

We believe that, this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write an application to the principal to open a canteen. 

Feel free to express your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Also, let us know if you need the format for any other topic.

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