The Thief’s Story CBSE Class 10 MCQ Questions and Answers with PDF

Are you looking for MCQ questions with answers of the chapter “The Thief’s Story” of class 10 ? Then Great, you’ve come to the best resources available on internet. Our subject experts have extracted the best possible questions from the chapter after a deep study.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts board exams every year in which, the English portion contains 100 marks. In English, Multiple Choice questions and objective questions contain a majority part in the literature section. So students need to practice questions as much as possible to achieve mastery, so that they’ll be able to give answer to each question asked. In this post, we have posted MCQ questions with answers of the chapter 2 of story section, The Thief’s Story. You can also download these questions as PDF in the end.

MCQ Questions of The Thief’s Story CBSE Class 10 Chapter 2

1. ___ was the name of the Shop where Anil lived as per the story.

a) Jamun Sweet Shop
b) Jamuna Sweet Shop
c) Jhamun Sweet Shop
d) Jumna Sweet Shop

Answer: d

2. As per the narrator of the story, how would’ve Anil Felt upon finding out?

a) sad
b) acceptance
c) fear
d) angry

Answer: a

3. With reference to the lesson, a sentence read, “a queer way to earn money”..What is the meaning of the word “queer” here. Choose the appropriate option? 

a) peculiar 
b) popular
c) rare
d) something not legal

Answer: a

4. With reference to the story, choose the appropriate option which rightly depicts How the narrator attempt at being friends with Anil.

a) by flattering Anil
b) by teasing Anil
c) by introducing himself
d) none of the above mentioned options are true

Answer: a

5. With reference to the story, choose the appropriate option which aptly depicts the traits that describe Anil_____. 

a) an easy-going individual 
b) a careful being
c) a really greedy individual
d) an extravagant human

Answer: a

6. How old was Anil?

a) 23
b) 22
c) 24

Answer: d

7. With reference to the lesson, choose the appropriate option which rightly depicts the name of the thief ?

a) Chandan
b) Chandan
c) Hari
d) Anil

Answer: c

8. What was the thief promised to be taught?

a) write name
b) write sentences
c) Cook
d) All of the above

Answer: d

9. With reference to the story, How had the narrator described the protagonist Anil? 

a) as really simple
b) as really kind
c) as an easy-going individual
d) all of the above-mentioned options are true 

Answer: d

10. In the lesson, a word reads “unlined”, choose the appropriate option which aptly depicts the meaning of the word “unlined”? 

a) It means “in a line”
b) It means showing no sign of worry or anxiety
c) none of the above mentioned options are true

Answer: b

11. As per the story, Anil told everything about the robbery.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b

12. What did the Anil do with thief’s cooked food ?

a) enjoyed it
b) fed the dogs
c) asked Anil to finish everything
d) put it in the almirah

Answer: b

13. According to the thief, who is it easier to rob?

a) Anil
b) greedy
c) careless
d) trusting

Answer: b

14. Choose the reason behind Anil returning the money.

a) Because the thief felt guilty
b) Because he was worried about how Anil, his boss who trusted him blindly would feel
c) Because he wanted to learn how to write his name and sentences
d) All of the above

Answer: a

15. Choose the appropriate option which rightly depicts the meaning of the word “grunting” with reference to the story.

a) making a low sound
b) an audible saying
c) to shout
d) None of the above

Answer: a

16. As per the story, where did the thief keep all the notes?

a) Pyjama
b) Under the pillow
c) cupboard
d) Bag

Answer: a

17. What did Hari ask Anil at first?

a) For money
b) For employment
c) for food
d) None of the above

Answer: b

18. With reference to the story, choose the option which says what Anil was doing when the thief first met him.

a) watching match
b) was writing
c) playing
d) walking

Answer: b

19. With reference to the story, what did he do upon missing his train to Lucknow ?

a) roamed in the streets
b) walked about the bazaars
c) was marketing
d) watching match

Answer: b

20. What was the age of the thief?

a) 10 
b) 15
c) 12
d) 14

Answer: b


We believe that, this post will be definitely helpful for students who are preparing for CBSE Board exams. These questions will improve their confidence over the chapter undoubtedly. We have also posted MCQs of other chapters as well. You can check other posts to go through other chapters of English. 

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