Report Writing on No Tobacco Day Campaign organised by your school

Report writing on No Tobacco Day

No Tobacco Day Observation Report Writing: Are you looking for a sample Report writing on No Tobacco Day campaign organised by your school?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given best example that will give you an idea on how to write a report on No Tobacco Day Campaign. This example will be helpful for students of all classes.

No Tobacco Day Observed By Responsible Citizens of Tomorrow 

By Seema Chowdhury 

1st June, 2022, Delhi : All the other wealth accumulated during an entire lifetime would become nothing if one’s health is compromised. Today tobacco stands as one of the major reasons behind deaths due to fatal diseases like cancer and tuberculosis, alone causing more than 8 million deaths per year. Awareness is the only weapon to fight this harmful substance that brings misery to our society. The ‘Health Club’ of Delhi Senior Secondary School celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’ on 31st May in the school campus. This insightful initiative was inaugurated by Mr. A.Paul, the Health secretary of the Education Committee by lighting the lamp of awareness along with our Principal. Mr.Paul in his inaugural speech pointed out how the society nowadays has accepted this harmful consumption as a normal practice and the strong need to break this conception. A team of doctors  from the AIIMS Hospital were present to  contribute their services to the Noble cause.

The Event showcased the ills of tobacco consumption through a series of programs. The show stopper was a play “Beware”, performed by the students of std.12,which depicted how tobacco not only affects the active consumer but also his family and surroundings in a passive way. They emphasized the fact that Tobacco attacks not a person but a whole family. The consumer buys slow death for himself and drags along not only Health hazards but also financial downfall. The Club also organized Poster Making,Face Painting and Speech Competition. Although students enthusiastically took part in all of them, The speech competition was a sight to see, such thoughtful words from the budding minds assured a well aware and informed generation for the future.

The Doctors then explained the precarious consequences of Tobacco use through virtual presentation. The virtual model of the human body helped the students understand how tobacco gets into the organs causing its dysfunction. The day was concluded with the awakening message to the youth against tobacco by the Principal, who also congratulated the students. The event was an immense achievement for the Health Club. The event helped a lot in contributing knowledge and awareness to the youth, especially teenagers who often find themselves in the trap of smoking and consuming tobacco directly or indirectly. 

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a report on No Tobacco Day Campaign organised by your school. 

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