Report writing on Adult literacy camp organised by your school

Report writing on adult literacy camp

Adult Literacy Camp Report Writing: Are you looking for a sample Report writing on adult literacy camp organised by your school?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given best example that will give you an idea on how to write a report on adult literacy camp. This example will be helpful for students of all classes.

Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organized an adult literacy camp in its neighborhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards – no. of people attending the camp – benefit (CBSE Previous Years)

Adult Literary Camp organised to inspire creativity and Imagination

By P.V.Sunitha, Secretary, Cultural Society

28th November, 2022: With high spirits and enthusiasm the Cultural Society of Sunshine Public School organized its tenth annual Adult Literary Camp in our locality to inspire people to take up literature. Various activities were conducted during the camp and 40 volunteers of the Cultural Society of the school participated in it.

The chief guest for this occasion was Dr. D.M. Advani Rajgopal, a renowned author and columnist. Around 400 people were present during the camp and most of them were students. The event began with a lecture that introduced us to various aspects of literature and its importance, later several activities like essay writing and recitation of self composed poetry were also done during the camp. Students participated in huge numbers and they were excited during these activities as well.

The Principal gave a small lecture on how literature helps the young minds of students to develop imagination and creativity. The teachers also conducted a small story telling session where the stories of O. Henry and Guy de Maupassant were told to us. Students enjoyed the short stories of both the writers and were very amused by the pun and wit present in the stories.

A small skit was done by the volunteers of the Cultural Society which was based on the play ‘Merchant of Venice’ written by great English playwright William Shakespeare. The skit highlighted the theme of prejudice along with gambling and games, several performers of the skit were also applauded for their performance, and the organizing committee was appreciated by the chief guest. During the concluding moments of the camp several books and stationery items were distributed among the students who were present during the camp. Prizes were given to the winners of essay writing and poetry recitation. The volunteers were also presented with appreciation certificates.

The adult literary camp was very successful in inspiring the young students to take up literature, and as our chief guest mentioned earlier in his lecture, “literature is the expression of human soul”. The camp was successful in inculcating the values and skills that are needed in today’s day and age.

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a report on adult literacy camp organised by your school. 

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