7 Tips for Writers to Avoid Plagiarism While Writing Articles

In every aspect of writing, we always need unique and duplication-free content. Whether we are writing a blog, research paper, article, or any piece of content, it has to be plagiarism-free.

We can define plagiarism as the copying of content from other sites or authors and using them as our own without mentioning or crediting them. We must always be careful when writing articles because Google doesn’t like copied content.

If we publish content that is fully plagiarized, then search engines won’t rank it on the SERPs.

Writing unique and plagiarism-free content is one of the most important factors in optimizing your content and achieving a higher result page ranking… in this post, we’ll tell you just how.

7 Best Tips to Avoid Plagiarism While Writing Articles

Here are the 7 tips for writers and bloggers to avoid plagiarism when writing articles. So, let’s get started.

1. Do Proper and Thorough Research

This is the first tip in writing plagiarism-free articles that can help you in getting a higher ranking. In writing an article on any topic, don’t take all the information from only one source or site. Always do deep research and gather information from various resources.

By collecting data from diverse sources, you can get more ideas in your mind, which can help you craft a better point of view on the topic. On the other hand, if you stick to only one or two sources, you can accidentally imitate them, and this can result in unintentional plagiarism.

2. Create a Unique Draft

This tip seems pretty obvious. But, hear us out.

What we mean here by telling you to create a unique draft is that when writing it, you shouldn’t actively look at a source. Rather, you should elaborate on the points that you’ve gathered during the research phase.

If you actively peruse a source and then write the draft, you can unknowingly commit plagiarism without realizing it.

3. Use Plagiarism Checkers

The best way to avoid duplication from articles is by using plagiarism checkers. There are a lot of such tools available online, and you can choose a plagiarism checker free as per your need and preference.

These online tools use advanced AI-based technology to detect plagiarism in the article. You just need to copy/paste or upload the file, and it will start checking the plagiarism.

But you have to be careful while choosing the plagiarism checking tool because some work well, while others can be slightly inaccurate.

4. Use Your Own Style of Writing

Planning and writing in your own style are also important in preventing plagiarism.

It’s easy and common for rookie writers to get overly acquainted with the style of the sources that they use for research. This can lead to committing accidental plagiarism by using the same type of words and phrases as the source that they’re taking their information.

Therefore, when writing any type of content, you have to make sure that you use your own style and tone. This will help you stay away from committing unintentional plagiarism.

5. Add Citations Properly

You can also avoid plagiarism from the article by using proper citations. By using citations, you can accredit the actual source by entering the name of the author, the URL of the source as well as its DOI etc.

Citations can help you in avoiding plagiarism and helps the readers to locate the source for themselves if they want to read more.

6. Avoid Plagiarism by Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing means rewriting a source idea in your own words without changing its meaning. With this tip, you can easily get rid of plagiarism—but if it is done incorrectly, it can lead to plagiarism.

You can paraphrase in different ways, like changing the words into synonyms, restructuring the sentences and changing the voice from passive to active and vice versa.

7. Add Hyperlinks to Credit Sources

The last but not least tip to avoid plagiarism while writing is by adding hyperlinks in the article. A hyperlink is referred to a link or web link; it can be an icon, text, button, graph, or something else present in the document.

This is another type of reference, but in this, we put a link to the source site from where we pick the information.

As you can see in the above image, this is what hyperlinks are, and they can help you to avoid plagiarism in article writing.


Writing isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would be a writer. Even professionals and expert writers sometimes fail to develop an original piece.

But with the tips mentioned above, you can easily craft a piece of content that you can call your own. These tips are easy, and everyone can use them to avoid plagiarism.

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