Report writing on a robbery that took place in your city for Newspaper : 2 Samples

Report writing on robbery

Are you looking for a Report writing format for a Daylight burglary that took place in your city?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given examples of report writing on the above-mentioned topic. 

Example-1 (Report writing on Robbery in a House)

Topic: Imagining yourself to be a staff reporter, prepare a report on a broad daylight robbery that took place in a house in the capital city of Odisha.

Robbers intrude in broad daylight

By Smruti Mishra, staff reporter 

Bhubaneswar,  July 5 Four robbers armed with knives and loaded guns trespassed a house in Shaheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar on Monday morning at around 8 AM. The intruders violently beat up an old couple,  tied their hands and legs, sealed their mouths, and threatened them to bring out all the cash, gold, and precious things they possess.

They forcefully seized cash and jewellery worth Rs. 20 lakhs, stated the victims. Mr . Arun Sharma and his wife Deepa Sharma are deeply shattered by this incident. They are currently, admitted to Capital hospital. Mr Sharma has got a severe hand injury.

The couple has registered an FIR in the local Police station. The Police are actively investigating the case right now. ” The face of one of the robbers has been captured on a CCTV camera in a nearby house .” Reported the officer in charge.

Example-2 (Report writing on Robbery in a Jewellery Store)

 State Capital Under ‘Heist’  Scare

By Subham Aggarwal (Staff Reporter)

Agartala, July 7 2022: On the afternoon of July 6 2022, the city stood shocked and in absolute fright upon witnessing a robbery at the Prestigious Jewellery and lifestyle store “HeeraLaal Diamonds”. The outrageous part being, the  Gritty Heist was carried out on Broad daylight, that too at the wee hours of the office goers.

Going by the CCTV footages of the Bank, on opposite of the Jewellery store, the Thieves robbed the Store at around 11:10 am, the busiest hour of the day with respect to the office goers and the hustle on the street. The owners presumably got looted of Diamonds worth 3 crores.

All the three men, dressed in a Black t-shirt and mask covering their faces had pistols helping their condemned cause. Upon looting the show and destroying the CCTV data of the cameras in the store, the Thieves escaped from the scene, driving their way out on a “red Maruti 800″ parked just outside the crime scene.

The heist seemed to send a fright wave across the city. The City Police Chief has himself initiated a probe to be foreseen under his own supervision. More details awaited.

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a report on a robbery in your city, for a local daily.

Feel free to express your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Also, let us know if you need the format for any other topic.

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