Report Writing On Blood Donation Camp for Newspaper

Report on Blood Donation Camp

Are you looking for a sample Report writing on a Blood Donation Camp organised in your city, to be published in a newspaper?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given best example that will give you an idea on how to write a report on blood donation camp. This example will be helpful for students of all classes. 

Blood Donation-An Act of ‘ Solidarity ‘

By Raunak Aggarwal

15 June 2022, Bhubaneswar : The date of June 14, is celebrated around the globe as the ‘World Blood Donation Day‘. To Commemorate this special day and cause, a mega Blood Donation camp was organised by the State Government.

The event took place at the newly built, ‘Swami Vivekananda Stadium’. In order to make the citizens aware of the noble cause and event that was to take place, the State Government heavily advertised and marketed the event through Newspapers, Digital Forums and even telecasting ads on all the local channels. On the morning of the happening, the stadium was well decorated and huge numbers of Tents were set up keeping the comfort of all the Doctors, Nurses and specially the Donors in mind.

At around 11a.m(I.S.T), the Blood Donation began with the Honourable Health Minister of the State inaugurated the camp by cutting the ribbon at the entrance of the stadium and lighting up the Lamp which was at the centre of the Field with all the Tents circling it around. The main feature of the camp were the citizens who came in huge numbers to donate their blood. People ranging from different age Groups, castes and creed came forward to serve the ones in need. This act of solidarity proves that one needs not be a Doctor or a Super Hero to help save humankind, a little act of kindness and charity goes a long way.

There were a total of 1500 people who were present at the start of the event. The Donors were asked by the Committee Members of the camp to register their names and submit their Medical records and History. The Donors were then escorted inside the tents were they Donated their blood. All the Donors were also given Refreshments which included Fruits, Milk and a few more food items.The event concluded at 6p.m(I.S.T) with the Honourable Health Minister addressing the crowd present there. The key feature from the speech he orated was the fact that  Blood Donation is an act of Humankind.

By donating blood, one not only helps someone in need but also saves a precious life. The Blood Donation camp turned out to be a Huge Success as over the span of 6-7 hours, the stadium witnessed an attendance of over 3000 people from all across the states. The Blood Donation camp has definitely sent out a positive message all across the State and perhaps the country as several camps were organised throughout the nation. And hence, One can save 3 lives in  15 minutes by donating blood and such Blood Donation camp should be organised further and regularly.

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea on report writing on a Blood Donation Camp that took place in the city.

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