Letter to Editor on Rising Prices : Problems and Solutions

Are you looking for a Letter writing format to the Editor of a newspaper highlighting difficulties due to rise in essential things?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given an example on, Letter to editor on Rising prices.

letter to editor on rising prices


Topic: Nowadays, we see the rise in prices of edible things like Pulses, Onions, Oil and some other products. The layman is facing hardship on account of it. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a reputed daily requesting him to highlight the difficulties faced by the common man due to the rise in prices. Sign yourself as Pranjal/Praneeta living at 124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi.   (CBSE 2016, Class 10)

124, Vivek Vihar,

Pincode: 110095

July 9, 2022

The Editor,

Subject: Rising Prices of Edible and essential commodities.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the Government and the concerned officials/Authorities towards the miserable condition of the layman due to the increasing prices of edible things like Pulses, Onions, Oils, etc.

According to a recent survey, the inflation has gone from 6% to 7% in 2022 causing a nightmare for the middle class, not to mention the terror the People Under ‘Below Poverty Line‘ are going through. Most commoners/middle-class salary earners have a fixed salary that does not seem to increase under the influence of inflation and thus the constant hike in prices of Pulses, Onions, and Oil are proving to be fatal for the commoners.

The Pensioners are facing a worse situation as they have a limited income with their Age posing as a crisis Too. The Daily wage earners and their families sleep hungry with a hope that the Evil in the form of outrageous prices of Basic commodities mounting over their heads fade away and they get to eat and survive the next Day.

With cases of Hoarding and illegal Black Marketing of essential commodities by the crooked and corrupt elements of society which result in these outrageous growths of prices, appearing every other day on Newspapers and Web portals cripple the Commoners even more.

Though the Police are taking necessary action to curb this malicious chain of ‘Black Marketing’ crimes, it seems to be widespread to a great extent as these malpractices still continue at full flow, giving sleepless nights to the Middle and Lower classes of society.

Your Newspaper has successfully taken up such topics which highlight the pain, and atrocities of the Commoners and force the Government Officials and Politicians to take immediate action and answer the questions of the Layman. As an avid reader of your Newspaper and some has Faith at the reach of your esteemed daily, I expect nothing different, this time around too.

Your Faithfully,

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a formal letter to the Editor of a local daily, on the above topic.
Feel free to express your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Also, let us know if you need the format for any other topic.

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