Application to the Headmaster of your school for permission to go on a Study Tour | Applications | Essays Wing

Topic: You are a student of XYZ school in Baripada. The students of your class are very excited to have a study tour the famous Science City, Kolkata. Write a letter to the principal of your school seeking permission for this purpose.

The Headmaster
M.K.C High School, Baripada

Sub: Seeking permission for a study tour.

   With due honour, I on behalf of the students of class- x of your school, would like to invite your kind attention to the subject cited above.

   The students of class tenth have unanimously expressed their desire to go on a study tour to Science Park, Kolkata, which has a special scientific importance for the students. This place consists of a large area having a theatre of space science named as Science On A Sphere, an Earth Exploration Hall, Space Odyssey, a big fresh water aquarium and many more. This place attracts the students from far places as it provides a fun way of learning science. The students are too much excited to visit this place to gain some scientific knowledge and to improve their outlook. This tour can also help us considerably to increase our curiosity to know more and more on science. Our science teacher has also agreed to guide us during this meaningful tour. The cost of the tour will be met by individual contribution.

   Therefore, we request you to allow us to go on a study tour for which we would be grateful to you. 

                                                             Yours Obediently  
Abhijeet Satpathy

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